Аqua Миргород
The glorious Myrhorod region, sung by artists, is famous for its world-famous mineral and drinking waters, which have been extracted from wells located in the resort town for over a hundred years.
This region is unique. The geological structure of the subsoil area is based on sedimentary deposits of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods, and the geological section of the well is opened to a depth of almost 700 meters.

Today, AQUA Myrhorod LLC makes sure that the unsurpassed taste and healing properties of Myrhorod water are available in any region of Ukraine, and soon - in the world.
The water used for the production of Aqua Myrhorod products is extracted in the ecologically clean resort town of Myrhorod. This region is exceptional in terms of its history and geological structure, and the water produced here is recognized as not only useful but also unique.
Depth of the mineral well: 695м
Drinking water well depth: 160-167м
The natural mineral water is supplied from a 695-meter deep well located in the central part of the Dnipro-Donetsk Basin, the Dnipro Artesian Basin, and is associated with Lower Cretaceous and Cenomanian deposits.
Rising to the surface, the mineral water undergoes a multi-stage purification with natural minerals, and to preserve its healing properties, it is bottled directly at the place of its extraction.
The process of drinking water purification includes several stages, such as mechanical filtration and purification with multimedia filters. No chemical preservatives are used during the preparation process to ensure long-term storage and water safety, and the water is disinfected using ultraviolet light.
Modern high-tech equipment ensures microbiological purity and absence of chemical impurities in the products.
The entire production cycle is designed to ensure maximum environmental safety at all stages of purification, which is confirmed by the UkrResearch Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Aqua Myrhorod LLC uses Swiss-made lids made of special materials and PET bottles with reduced plastic content to reduce the risk of environmental pollution.
High-quality and safe products of Aqua Mirgorod LLC are manufactured in compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents and thanks to the work of highly qualified specialists who are not indifferent to their work. Aqua Myrhorod LLC has developed and operates an integrated certified food safety management system in accordance with the requirements of DSTU ISO 22000:2019 (ISO 22000:2018) and a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of DSTU ISO 9001:2015 (ISO 9001:2015), and has implemented the principles of the HACCP system.